Sunday, March 29, 2009

Automated Pilot - Unaired TV Pilot

Howdy Folks,

Since we are slow at making new episodes, I have decided to share with you the TV pilot we made here at Ohio University for the student run network AVW. This episode was for a show where every episode would be a pilot for a new show. The only episode features the pilot "Hobo-Town". A sitcom about Great Depression Hobos written entirely in Hobo lingo. They canceled us midway through our second episode. Which was called "Deadline 2000AD" and was about two guys running a newspaper in the Post-Apocalypse future in the year 2000. Any-who, here is the unaired pilot episode of Automated Pilot written by Andrew Ford and I and Directed by me. Also stay tune for the unaired Pilot for "The Eli Osman Show" a talk show I made in High School. Well its actually more of a warning than a stay tune.

Thank You.

Automated Pilot - Unaired TV Pilot from Eli Osman on Vimeo.

- Eli Osman

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